Ethics - Transparency - Accountability - Governance - Excellence
Ethics - Transparency - Accountability - Governance - Excellence
Canada Business Holdings inc. (CBH) is the world leader in mega infrastructure projects with the Public-Private Partnership structure. CBH is Incorporated in Canada under the federal business regulations to establish and manage business projects and corporations. We started operations on January 1, 2007. CBH is based in Ottawa, the capital of Canada. Our mandate is to establish and manage business projects and enterprises.
CBH works with government to invest, build, manage, and operate PPP projects for the agreed concession time . The project joint venture company runs the business as a Public Limited Company co-owned by CBH and the PPP partners before the IPO.
CBH invests only in its projects.
The sources are investment funds, business families, conventional financing, and alternative sources.
CBH invests in high-growth sectors and low-risk countries. The dominant currency is the United States Dollars. We are an ethical, green, non-biased and fair investor.
CBH Inc.'s operational model is Business-To-Government (B2G).
CBH works with governments and in partnerships with business organizations to complete PPP projects. CBH invests for the long term in a carefully selected geo-demographic regions. CBH prefers Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Special Economic Zones.
CBH moved beyond P3 to P4. This means integrating People in the Public-Private Partnership Projects (from P3 to P4). Engaging people in wealth sharing in PPP project implementation is vital for creating a sustainable socioeconomic development and stabilize any national economy. People are at the heart of a true PPP. The P4 business platform accelerates GDP growth and lead to a rapid development of the middle class.
allCBH Inc had been among the first companies in Canada and the world to be supportive to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for the Public-Privater Partnership. Since 2020, CBH Inc had several contributions including business process engineering and papers that integrate the SDGs in our day to day practice as much as it is woven in the original structure of our company value system.
The leadership team of CBH is comprised of Subject Matter Experts that are highly regarded in their business profession. We build our model on outsourcing design and construction activities to the top world companies. CBH maintains control of project financing, project management, and quality control.
CBH has risen among its peers to become a unique business-leading company. CBH is dedicated to non-biased and ethical investments that are based on solid economic and financial analysis, known facts and verified data.
CBH applies root-cause solutions for faulty practices in macro and microeconomics. The practical and effective solutions we developed include but are not limited to, the investment plus development platform of iDOMO.
CBH leads the world in P3 development with strategic vision and effective project development that precedes several world-renowned institutions such as IMF, WB, MGI, and PWHC.
IDOMO, Glass-Box Funds, Cost Based Analysis(CBA), Strategic Analysis and Rebuilding Cube (SARC), are a few examples of our innovative effort to create solutions and put them to work.
CBH builds the foundation of the PPP infrastructure project development and operation based on a long-term vision.
The focus is to make any PPP project a "Fail-Safe" project. CBH deploys sophisticated and complex multiple financial scenarios taking into account the various assumptions and possibilities.
The aim is to ensure financial feasibility in all case scenarios. The powerful analytical capability of CBH is the result of focused and continued research and work for many years.
Human and technology interfaces integrate to provide unparalleled and impeccable solutions that will serve many generations of humans.
CBH develops any given PPP project strategy by ensuring first that the end product will help in building lives and communities. It is not merely about the financial feasibility, but more about the good quality of living, relaxed ambience, physical safety and comfort, and the happiness of people.
The level of competence, know-how, and experience combined are put together to produce one project is sky-high. The margin for failure or error is zero. None is allowed nor tolerated.
The target of CBH is to develop an affordable high-quality living style with impeccable standards for all people, no matter what age, gender, physical ability, or level of education.
Your best quick reference book for PPP practice and understanding. 92 pages. US$25.
A Guide for Economic Nation Building. Suitable for Governmental Public Administrators.
Your reference guide for the traits and skills that makes you the top CEO leader in your business.
Grow Your Wealth With CBH
Inclusive and Sustainable Development
CBH Supports Fair Trade, ESG, UN SDG, Inclusive Capitalism, and Net Zero 2050
Canada Business Holdings invests in PPP projects to develop a high quality of life faster, better and more affordable.
Our approach is to implement comprehensive, inclusive and sustainable life style with simple and smart concepts, that are sophisticated in design and structuring.
The CBH economic principles are based on the 17 United nations sustainable development goals.
The accuracy, strategy, speed, quality, and cost guide our value compass towards the true North.
Inquire how to invest and partner with us now.